How to Avoid Unhealthy Health Goals

Unhealthy health goals regularly contain focusing too much at the final results and no longer sufficient at the method of having a healthy life. Unhealthy goals consist of seeking to lose a massive quantity of weight in a quick time or training for a marathon without allocating sufficient time. These efforts normally cause weight gain in case you do not maintain them. Selecting a bad diet plan that doesn’t meet your healthy goals is another example of an unhealthy health goal. To keep away from unhealthy fitness desires, you should focus more on the method of having a healthy life rather than losing weight. Direct your attention to small changes on your diet and healthy lifestyle in order to help you slowly move in the direction of your general health goals.


  1. Focusing on Health:

Aim for moderation rather than perfection -

  • Aim for moderation rather than perfection: If you want to be perfect in your new diet plan and health habits then you will get fed up easily. Try to avoid fast foods and processed foods. Start with a moderate diet plan and habits and gradually move to a hard routine. Your body prepares itself for a hard routine slowly.

Consider whether your diet is negatively impacting your social life -

  • Consider whether your diet is negatively impacting your social life: If your new diet plan does not match with your social lifestyle then you need to make a new diet plan that doesn’t affect your social life. Choose a diet plan that is healthier and matches the food you would have during your friends and family gatherings. You can go out with your friends and family and have your favourite ice cream or fast foods until and unless you follow healthy habits. Modify your diet according to your social life.

Check whether you are frequently cancelling social events to exercise -

  • Check whether you are frequently cancelling social events to exercise: Cancelling numerous social activities with family, relatives and friends to go to the gymnasium for workout and exercise can be a reason for unhealthy workout goals. Social interaction with family, relatives and friends is very important for your health. Ensure that you aren’t sacrificing a healthy social lifestyle to go to the gym, because you need both social interaction with friends and family and also a healthy lifestyle at the same time.

Reflect on whether you view exercise as a form of compensation for poor eating -

  • Reflect on whether you view exercise as a form of compensation for poor eating: Avoid doing excessive exercises and workouts for having unhealthy foods like brownies, cookies, chips, junk food etc. Don’t do hard and difficult exercises to compensate for your poor and unhealthy eating habits and lifestyle. Don’t make exercise or workouts a punishment for yourself. You should do moderate exercises and workouts with a good healthy diet plan.


2. Avoiding Unhealthy Diet Goals:

Focus more on healthy eating habits and less on a strict diet -

  • Focus more on healthy eating habits and less on a strict diet: Strict diet and removing items from your diet plan or eating less food in your daily meals will affect your health badly and might have adverse effects on your health. Strict diet is an unhealthy option for you. Instead of a strict diet you should follow a healthy diet plan which is low in calories and rich in nutrients. For this, you adjust your daily habits such as:
    • Eat healthier foods that will give you more vitamins and minerals such as fruits and vegetables.
    • Don’t cut out the whole food group. Take a low amount of carbs, proteins and fats in your diet rather than removing them to overcome their deficiency.
    • Pay attention towards your food. Eat your meal mindfully and avoid eating while watching TV or other activities.
    • Stop eating late at night. Avoid midnight chewing. It is very unhealthy for you.
    • Don’t skip your breakfast otherwise you will exhaust yourself before lunch. Your sugar levels early in the morning are quite low. So, you need  to have a good breakfast to get sugars for proper functioning of your brain and muscles.
    • Cut out sugar intake in your diet as much as you can.

Listen to your body -

  • Listen to your body: Your body gives you indication when you are hungry. Try to catch these signals and fulfill your body requirements. When you’re hungry, your body would crave different foods like salty, sweet, spicy etc. Figure out what your body needs and have it in your meal to fulfill the cravings of your body. If your body requires snacks in between your meals then you should eat healthier snacks such as biscuits, popcorn, etc instead of unhealthy snacks like French fries or chips. If you don’t like any food item then don’t have it in your meal. Instead, have an alternative but healthier food. For example, if you don’t like kale, then eat spinach salad instead of kale salad.

Give yourself one cheat meal a week if you are on a new diet -

  • Give yourself one cheat meal a week if you are on a new diet: If you’re on a diet then you should take a break from dieting. Breaking from dieting is very important for your body and good mood. It will fulfill your cravings and body needs. At least take one cheat meal a week. If you are on a diet, then follow your diet plan for the whole week and get a break for a day, this is called cheat day. Eat what you were craving for, on your cheat day. This will cut out your body cravings and desires during your diet routine. However, take a break from your diet just for a day.


3. Avoiding Unhealthy Fitness Goals: 

Change your exercise routine and pay less attention to outcomes -

  • Change your exercise routine and pay less attention to outcomes: Just focus on your workout and exercise instead of waiting for quick results. Don’t focus on how much you exercise or workout and what will be the results you get. You would get the results gradually. However, keep doing exercises and workouts and pay less attention towards the results. 

Give yourself enough time to train -

  • Give yourself enough time to train: Firstly, set the time period for the exercise and workout. Exercise and workout need some time to give you results. Don’t expect results in a couple of days. Give proper time to exercises and workouts and keep doing it until your goal is achieved. By doing excessive exercises, you will hurt or frustrate yourself. For example, if you train yourself for a marathon then it takes 22 days for proper training. If you skip the training days and work too hard and fast then you would hurt yourself and cause muscle cramps and body pain.

Break down your big goal into smaller goals -

  • Break down your big goal into smaller goals: Don’t go for a big target or goal, instead make smaller goals and achieve them. For example, don’t lift 300 pounds at a time, break weight lifting into smaller portions and lift them. Similarly, don’t run for 2 hours, divide it into smaller sets and run. Setting big goals will need extra effort and is difficult to achieve. So, break down your goals into smaller goals which are easier to achieve. For example, Don’t do sets of 30 squats or pushups at a time, break them into smaller sets of 10 squats or pushups 3 times with a break between each set.

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