How to Treat an Allergic Reaction to Insect Bites

Insect or bug bites are very common in summer days especially when you are outside. Insect bites are seen on the skin as small red bumps. It may cause a little pain and itchiness. But if it causes an allergic reaction then it might be too dangerous for your health. Allergic intensity is based on bug species that bite your skin and may cause life threatening disease which is hard to treat. We will give you some tips and tricks to treat the allergic reaction caused by insect bite. 

For anaphylaxis, Immediate medical attention -

  • For anaphylaxis, Immediate medical attention: Bug bites may cause anaphylaxis but not all the time and It’s very rare. Initial symptoms of anaphylaxis are rash and runny nose. When it becomes severe then call an emergency and admit in hospital for treatment. Symptoms of severe condition are: 
    • Tightness in your throat or trouble breathing.
    • Nausea or vomiting.
    • Dizziness.
    • lightheadedness.
    • Abdominal pain or diarrhea.
    • Fast heart rate.

For extreme pain or swelling, Visit your doctor -

  • For extreme pain or swelling, Visit your doctor: After the bug bite, some symptoms appear like swelling, pain, or redness. They are normal symptoms no need to call an emergency but if you feel pain or spreading rashes then seek medical treatment immediately. If the symptoms get worse and dangerous then you should consult with the doctor. For example, if you have a bug bite on your calf. After an hour, you feel pain in your whole leg and can’t walk or put pressure on it. And also see rashes spread from calf to whole leg then you should consult with the doctor for treatment and medication. If you’re in lots of pain then you may call an emergency.

For mild reactions, Wash the area with soap and water -

  • For mild reactions, Wash the area with soap and water: Washing your bug bite area with soap and water helps to lower the risk of infection. Washing any sweat or dirt from the bug bite prevents infection. Bug saliva contain some toxins. Washing bug bite helps to remove toxins from bite. But make sure not to wash or scrub too hard because it may damage your skin. Dry your skin after washing.

To reduce swelling, Use a cold compress for 10 minutes -

  • To reduce swelling, Use a cold compress for 10 minutes: If bug bite cause swelling or inflammation then apply a bag filled with ice or frozen vegetables to reduce swelling or inflammation. To treat numbness of the bite area, put cold compress for at least 10 minutes in every hour until it heals.

Apply hydrocortisone cream for itch relief -

  • Apply hydrocortisone cream for itch relief: A bug bite may cause itchiness and it is hard to survive without scratching the bite. If you have an allergy then a bite may cause itchiness for a week. But avoid scratching your bite area to reduce risk of infection. Hydrocortisone cream is used to treat itchy skin. It is easily available at your nearby pharmacy or drug stores.

Try antihistamine to calm the reaction -

  • Try antihistamine to calm the reaction: Antihistamine medicines are used to treat bug bite infection. Antihistamine is also used to treat rash or itching. You can buy Antihistamine tablets at your nearby pharmacy or drug stores. Different tablets have different dosages but keep taking it every 4 to 6 hours until you get relief for rash or itching. This medicine also has side effects so if you’re pregnant or breastfeeding then you should consult with the doctor before taking antihistamine tablets.

Take pain reliever as needed -

  • Take pain reliever as needed: If bug bite cause pain and inflammation then OTC painkillers and anti-inflammatory medicines like Ibuprofen or acetaminophen are used to treat. Follow the dosage instructions printed on the cover of the bottle. If these medicines aren’t working properly then consult with the doctor. 

For the infected bite, Use antibiotic ointment -

  • For the infected bite, Use antibiotic ointment: If your bug bite causes infection then use antibiotic ointment to get rid of infection. Firstly wash your infected area with soap and water then dry it properly. Then apply antibiotic ointment on the bite and rub it until it dissolves completely. You can also cover it with a bandage to keep ointment away from clothes. Apply on your bite according to instructions mentioned on the box. You can buy antibiotic ointment from your nearby pharmacy or drug stores as well as online websites. If the bite doesn’t heal within 48 hours then consult with the doctor to prescribe you another strong antibiotic ointment.

If you have allergic reactions, Avoid insects in the future -


  • If you have allergic reactions, Avoid insects in the future: Bug bites cause allergic reactions but not life threatening, may be painful and annoying. If you get an allergic reaction from a bug bite then keep away from places where bite are present such as gardens. If you need to go outside for a long time then you should follow some precautions like:
    • Wear long pants and full sleeve shirts.
    • Use bug repellent spray on your skin and clothes.
    • Avoid using floral scent perfume and body spray.
    • Cover your food and drinks.
    • Stay away from grassy or brushy areas.
    • Don’t store water in any open area.

Elevate the affected area to reduce swelling -

  • Elevate the affected area to reduce swelling: Blood blockage causes inflammation in the bite area. To reduce the inflammation, elevate the bite region above the level of heart. Its elevation will help the blood to flow smoothly towards the affected area. With the elevation, also using cold compress will help to reduce inflammation fast. If a bug bite is present at leg or shoulder then it is easy to elevate above the heart level while if it affects your torso region then you might face some difficulty to raise your torso above heart level. 

Visit your doctor in case rash around a tick bite expands -

  • Visit your doctor in case rash around a tick bite expands: A normal bit appears as a small, red bump with a diameter of less than 2.5 to 5.1 cm. If the rash increases in size and diameter within 2 to 3 days or develops a bull’s eye shape then consult with the doctor to get treatment for Lyme disease. Lyme disease can be treated by course of antibiotics. To treat it, start the course as soon as possible. Normal bug bite last long for a week or several days when they bite but never change their size and characteristics. Keep noticing the size of the bite. To remember the size of the bite , use a marker and round the bite and note the growth of the bite.

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